Chemistry of nanodisperse systems and modified bentonites subproject

subproject leader: Prof. Dr. István Bányai

I. Structure of the subproject

1. Nanodisperse systems WG

            group leader: Prof. Dr. István Bányai

2. Modified bentonites WG

            group leader: Prof. Dr. Noémi Nagy

II. Scientific goals

  • Preparation, characterization of nano-sized ligands. Characterization of their metal complexes from environmental and teragnostic point of view.
  • Characterization of aerogels, micelles and functionalized carbon based nanodisperse systems from the point of view of targeted medication
  • NMR and comparative osmometric characterization of meso-porous solid materials. Interaction with small molecules.
  • Application of mono-lateral NMR-relaxometry (NMR-mouse) on morphology of solid materials.
  • Modification of bentonites by cations precipitating with anions to be examined (rare earth cations, iron(III) ion, silver ion). Chemical and structural analyses
  • Sorption studies of phosphate ion on rare earth bentonites
  • Sorption studies of arsenate ion
  • Sorption studies of chloride and iodide ion on silver-bentonite
  • Sorption studies of carbonate and thechnetate ions on modified sorbents

III. Expected results

  • Application of nanoparticles:
    • Macromolecular ligands as sorbents for metal ions
    • Preparation of macromolecular MRI contrast agents
    • Application of low- and highfield NMR for porous materials in environmental chemistry (soils) and medical practice (skin).
  • Scientific papers in Q1 journals of physical chemistry.
    • Augmentation of general knowledge on metal complexes of nano-sized ligands
    • Increase of impact of teaching nanotechnology
  • Publications to facilitate clean and secure waste management, to restrict eutrophication by decreasing phosphate content of groundwater and  to provide healthy drinking water by reducing arsenate concentration

IV. Infrastructure

Instruments to be purchased within the framework of the project:

  • Liquid scintillation beta spectrometer for tracer studies using 32P, 36Cl, and 14C radioisotopes
  • We apply NMR techniques for characterizing nanoparticles at present. The newly purchased HPLC and osmometer make possible to complete our NMR data with other size and molar mass determination. In this way our we can collect more reliable data on nano-sized systems.